Sunday, 22 November 2015

No Problem!

No Problem! 

One day,
Love will find its way,
Like the droplets of rain trickle down,
From the glass,
Onto the sill of the windows and gather,
Only to run down again,
Making the wood wet and swollen.
So too will you swell with love one day.
Love will awaken you,
When you are sitting on your favourite chair,
Sipping coffee,
And the outside of your hands
 Stop your tears from falling onto the floor,
Making you realise you miss him.
Love will hit you hard,
As a tornado does an orchard,
Curling up your strong trees into its vortex. 
Ravaging you completely,
Leaving you battered and bruised.
That is what love does.
It fills you up with its intoxicating air,
Leaving you mesmerised and longing for that person.
But hey,
No problem.
You still haven't known love yet.
Yet I do pray,
That like a bolt of lightning, 
It strikes you.
Like a giant wave,
It turns you over,
And shows you a new life.
A life of love.